Each day, our neighbors, friends, classmates and co-workers—from families with small children to seniors—struggle to find the nutritious food they need to work, grow, and thrive. Food insecurity is a real problem in our region, and its effects are devastating.

Founded in 1981 and headquartered in Omaha, Nebraska, Food Bank for the Heartland is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with a vital focus: to provide food to those struggling with hunger in Nebraska and western Iowa, to ultimately eliminate hunger in our communities, and to serve our neighbors with respect, integrity and urgency. The Food Bank serves 93 counties—77 in Nebraska and 16 in western Iowa.

We have a big job on our hands, which is why we see the fight against hunger as an ongoing, collaborative effort. We work with individuals, organizations, food manufacturers and distributors, grocery stores, the USDA and Feeding America to procure food, and we purchase food to supplement donations.

Our volunteers help keep our 76,000 square-foot warehouse running quickly and efficiently, and our donors are essential to the success of our programs and mission. For every $1 we receive, we are able to provide up to 4 meals to a neighbor in need.

Through the collective power of our leadership, staff, partners, volunteers, and donors, we are able to reach more communities, serve more people, and address food insecurity in a more direct and effective way. As new needs arise, we are ready.