Saving Grace Perishable Food Rescue and Delivery provides a pipeline that connects excess perishable food that would otherwise go to waste with nonprofit agencies that feed the hungry. Donated food from grocery stores, restaurants, event venues, schools, wholesalers,  caterers and other food purveyors is matched with the needs of partner nonprofit agencies that use it to feed their clients. Saving Grace’s efforts keep thousands of pounds of food a month out of our landfills. And, the donated food allows the recipient agencies to provide healthy meals to their clients, while directing more of their resources to other programs.

OUR VISION – Feed the hungry by rescuing the heartland’s bounty that would otherwise go to waste.
OUR MISSION – Connect perishable food from local food purveyors to local nonprofits that feed our hungry, while raising awareness and educating the community on food waste and hunger.
OUR IMPACT –  More than 1.8 million pounds of excess perishable food rescued and delivered to feed those in need. That’s the total amount of healthy, perishable food Saving Grace has rescued and redistributed to feed the hungry since operations began in October 2013. This translates to over 1.8 million healthy meals provided, free of charge, to our partner agencies – homeless shelters, children’s centers, food pantries, senior centers and other nonprofits. The fruits, vegetables, meats, dairy products, prepared and packaged meals, and grain products supplement diets that may otherwise be nutritionally deprived.